“Look at that smile… it says it all.” – GG
This was just one of the compliments I received upon completion of my Quest 79 Challenge to complete a ‘Facebook Live’ every day for the final 79 days of 2021. It started off as just a challenge that would be good for me, personally and professionally, and soon turned into a deeply personal and profound experience.
Several months earlier I’d been advised that I should do some Facebook Lives to get myself known. However, I didn’t like doing ‘Lives’ as I had always lacked self-confidence in my abilities and belief in what other people thought of me.
At the start of 2021 I’d been too scared to even press the ‘record’ button to go Live. So I spent the early part of the year doing a lot of work on this lack of self-confidence by using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques/Tapping), which helped a lot. But when I came to begin the challenge I still felt like I had a way to go.
At the start, several people questioned whether I’d be able to complete this challenge due to my lack of self-confidence; especially those people who had known me for a long time. However, as the days turned into weeks and then months, and I started receiving a lot of positive compliments, my confidence grew and grew out of all proportion, and I even started enjoying myself!
The ‘Lives’ were a combination of sharing information, EFT Tapping demonstrations, countryside walks, and interviews. There was even one on Christmas morning before all the festivities started! Doing Facebook Lives daily was tough going at times, and if I had thought it through when I initially had the idea, I would definitely have chosen an easier challenge to complete. However, I am so happy that I persevered as I feel as if I’m a different person now with so much self-confidence. Several people have also commented on the difference in me.
Thank you, Karen Darke and Quest 79 for enabling me to gain my Inner Gold.