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Let’s give a huge shout of out of support and congratulations to all our beautiful members below who have pledge their quest in September.

Some have already completed their wonderful Quests and some are still enjoying this wonderful journey of inspiring themselves.  Don’t get me wrong I’m sure you’ll be finding out how tough this can be mentally and emotionally to maintain a Quest for 7 days, 9 days an even 79 days or whatever your combination is.

Please do let us know how it has affected you emotionally as well as physically and if mental resilience had to play a part in your journey of completion?

We can’t wait for your photos, videos and even blogs about it.  Send them all through to us either on our Facebook page or for our website!


Lorraine Maguire

79 hypnotic healings – giving 79 people a free 40 minute hypnotic healing session. Asking people to nominate others in their lives who they think will benefit from a 121 hypnosis.

Campbell Consulting

79 Days of Gratitude – expressed as a image – and daily meditation on that thankfulness. My challenge is to listen, to notice and to be curious to inform my creative practice as an artist.

Wendy Hamm

To do Facebook Lives in my EFT Tapping Group every day for the last 79 days of this year (starting 14 October 2021).

Beat Mueller

My Quest:  I am reading a Psalm every day for 79 days on ;KINGDOM FIRST;  Morning Glory 24/7 on Clubhouse.

Anne The Heartworker

My Quest: 79 days of getting up at 07:09 hrs, out to walk the dog and start the day with a dog walk and a creative Annie and Eva doodle

David Tigger

My Quest: 79 days in the gym to increase my average driver distance by 7/9yards from 206 yds to 215yards

Erica Silver Life Coaching

My Quest: No alcohol for the next 79 days as I harness my inner civility to research the importance of a “Work Family” environment

Alexey Katko

My Quest:  Find a Farmer for help for 7 days 🙂

Adam Gornall

My Quest: 79hrs Darkness Retreat

Frank Soonius

Oke every day 1 hour walk and 30 minutes fitness with my online fitness group with Martin Sharp before 10.00 in the morning for 79 days yesss???

Sunny Bangor

My Quest: 79 minute timer for 79 days working on my health tech startup in order to heal the world.


The Pandemic has been a blessing  has also turned Healthy Routines topsyturvy! So i am going to Quest!! going back to resetting my Circadian Rhythm – I have been trying; not being able to get that going. So I pledge to wake up at 5AM IST for the next 79 days.

Catherine King

79 Positive Affirmations across 79 Days

Christine Mullaney

Starting small just for me. 79 Animal Flow repetitions at 7 AM and 9 PM each day for 7 days.

Jo Brown

My Quest: To offer ecotherapy events 

Ife Thomas

My Quest: 79 sit ups for 79 days!

Cate Caruth

My Quest:  Complete my Author’s Academy in 79 days

Karl Martin

My Quest: 6 points cycling quest 79

Rachel Earing

Author Rachel Earing

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